Songkran: Thai New Year

Songkran is a 3 day water fight that celebrates the Thai New Year. It occurs between April 13th to 15th (which coincidentally is the hottest month of the year). All over the country, from big cities to tiny villages, Thais celebrate the new year by dumping buckets of cold water on each other. The holiday is meant to wash away the old year and bring in the new year.  It’s awesome to see little kids, seniors, and even police get involved. It’s a very high spirited holiday and everyone is just out to have a great time. The only way to really understand the craziness that is Songkran is to see it so here’s my video:

(Of all my videos, I strongly encourage you to watch this one. You really need to see this great celebration!!)

Tips for Songkran

  • Chiang Mai and Bangkok have the biggest celebrations but you’ll find little celebrations all over the country.
  • In Bangkok, Khao San Rd and Silom hold the two biggest celebrations.
  • Plan to get wet- all the time. Even if you have a backpack or bag, people will still spray you with water. There’s no escape unless you are inside.
  • The only way to avoid being wet is to have a camera or cigarette. If people see you with one, they won’t spray you with water.
  • Just have fun. There’s no malice involved here so if you get wet and you didn’t want to, just go with it. It’s the holiday and you just have to accept it. They even pour water on people driving motorcycles.
  • One of the most fun things to do is get in a Tuk Tuk or truck and ride around the city spraying people with water. You get into some of the most amazing water fights and meet a lot of people. I highly recommend this during at least one day.

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