The Smart Camper’s Voice / Entry 19

As part of the goals we would like to accomplish is that we want to prepare our reader for any event that they may encounter when camping. When out camping you face mother nature with it’s harsh weather conditions and terrain but you also may have to deal with the worst part of human nature. Truly unfortunate, you may find yourself in a tight spot due to fellow humans. The Smart Camper’s Voice would like to share with it’s readers a sad story that took place recently to a group of camping enthusiasts. The events took place beyond our borders in a Central American country. While you read the account keep in mind that events of this sort may happen anywhere.

The Smart Camper’s Voice / Entry 19

Learning the Hard Way

While camping in one of the most beautiful beaches you’ll see in your life inside a Wildlife Reserve in Central America, a group of fellow friend campers was robbed. After a delicious meal made entirely on the campfire, the group decided to watch the stars at the beach that stood merely 100 feet away from the campsite. At this point they suspect that whoever had been watching them sprang into action, for it didn’t take them long to quietly rip open their tents. They did not take many things although they did focus their attention exclusively on phones and cash. Credit cards and other values were left alone. Much sadness and anger took over the group of friends but that did not stop them from enjoying the rest of their trip. For that is the great lesson behind the whole story. Never let your spirit be brought down by the events in our life. With that being said, we will be bringing you safety tips for campers and information regarding what to do when in a dangerous situation of this nature. The Denver Tent company home of the best tents in Colorado and the US fully backs up the Smart Camper’s Voice quest to watch it’s reader’s backs.

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