If You Can Help Us…

No, we don’t need any money, so let me put you at ease there. I am, however, working on a couple of projects in which I need some help from others. I don’t like using the blog for this, but I know it touches a lot of people and I thought I’d at least ask.

The first involves a coming trip to Europe. I’ve been invited to two different events in Europe this spring and summer and need to decide between making two trips—one in the UK in April and one in Ireland in June—or combining these into one trip in late June. Whenever I fly so far, I also have an ear out for other invitations in the same area to make best use of my time and the flight expenses. I am not seeking invitations nor asking people to plan something just because the opportunity is there, but simply trying to get in touch with those who have asked about my coming in the past to see if you sense God is wanting to do something around these trips. Please let me know, even if it would involve a hop over to the mainland.

The second involves some connections for a book I’m trying to help find traction for its release. Many of you know that I am part of a team that is helping to publish a new novel called THE SHACK. I have never read a more engaging work of fiction that reveals God’s heart and grace in the midst of human pain and suffering. This is a superb work. Also, if we can facilitate 100,000 of these being sold we have the possibility of 20th Century Fox helping to produce it into a movie. To that end, we are looking for some connections that will help us put it in the hands of some key people we think will enjoy the message of this book and help us let others know about it. We are working on a number of connections that we already have but would like to get it in the hands of some people we don’t know and don’t have connections to. If you have any connections to one of the following people, would you please see if they would be willing to take a look at this book for us and possibly write a blurb for it? Tony Campolo, Anne Lamott, Larry Crabb, Phillip Yancey, Brennan Manning or Michael Card. If you have ways for us to get in touch with these people, would you please let me know. If you have other connections you think we should know about, please let us know that as well.

And for all of you waiting to read it, we hope to have the book in print sometime in April… I can’t wait!

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