Treasure Fingers Applies His Golden Touch on “Been Here Before” With Body-Tingling Remix

Treasure Fingers Applies His Golden Touch on “Been Here Before” With Body-Tingling Remix

Last month, Indian Summer struck big with a fresh offering on Sweat It Out!, following a painful period of patiently waiting on the Aussie duo to come out of hiding. They’ve been relatively quiet since they snuck their racy Late Night EP into the electronic space last year, and “Been Here Before” came just in time to keep you feeling toasty through those chilly autumn days. The gents enlisted Eloise Cleary on the steamy release, which sees her using those lovely lungs of hers to contribute a smooth delivery over the high-perspiring beat they threw down. They weren’t about to stop there, though, as they tap Treasure Fingers to apply his golden touch to their tune.

“We’ve been massive fans of Treasure Fingers tunes for a long time; his remixes were some of our favorites to play out when we started doing DJ sets together,” Indian Summer tells Insomniac. “We were wrapped that he dug our new single enough to give it his unique remix treatment—couldn’t be happier with how it came together!”

The feelings of admiration they relay are completely reasonable, because Treasure Fingers is always at the top of his game. With his remix, he manages to keep the integrity of the vibe intact, yet somehow displaces it enough to make it known TF was hard at work here. Eloise’s silky vocals sit neatly next to the snappy percussion and sleazy melodies that make for one head-turning, feet-shuffling jam. Peep the premiere after the jump, and hop inside the head of the always-on-it artist who made it all happen.

You’ve put your trusty TF twist on the latest single from Indian Summer. What caught your attention from the original, and of the duo in general?
My buds at Sweat It Out alerted me about it and asked if I’d be interested in doing a remix. I was already familiar with Indian Summer and had been a fan for a while. Instantly, certain parts of the song stood out to me, so I knew it would be a fun one to remix.

What was the biggest challenge you faced with the remix?
Mainly, just bringing the tempo up while keeping the integrity of the original track in place. It ended up working in the end, but during the process, I’d have to leave it alone for a full day or two and then listen to the remix with fresh ears to make proper adjustments so it would flow well.

Do you think your version will resonate with fans of the original?
I’m honestly not sure. Those who are huge fans of the original will probably think I ruined it, haha. Hopefully I’ll connect with the house heads, though.

On Facebook, you posted about your new side project, the Treasury, and there was a strong sense of excitement about devoting more time to it. What avenues are you hoping to explore through this endeavor?
I don’t really know yet. I haven’t put a lot of thought into it. I just know that I love making that type of music. If the reaction is really good once I start releasing the original songs, then I’d like to do some type of live show tour. As much as I love DJing, I really miss the energy of performing live.

In addition to the new alias, you have a relatively new podcast and label to oversee. How do you prioritize your time to juggle your projects, and does it ever get overwhelming being so busy all the time?
Just within the past couple years, I really strived to be better at project management and utilize my time in the best way, so that’s been a huge help. I got a little too jaded and lazy for a few years and felt like I just floated along without much effort, which was all right, but I didn’t get any personal feeling of accomplishment. Diving into so many projects that I’m passionate about now and seeing them start to flourish gives me a better sense of pride and excitement. When I’m excited to wake up in the morning to start working on something, I know I’m on the right track.

Do you have any advice for staying so productive?
I used to overthink EVERYTHING. I’d want to have it fully planned out in my head first, all possible scenarios, before even attempting any physical work… It’s good to have some sort of plan, but if all you’re doing is thinking about doing shit and not actually doing it, then there’s a problem. In a creative industry, you’ve also got to realize that there are tons of people who are hustling day in and day out, just to try to get a break. As soon as you start slacking, someone else is there to jump in your slot and take the opportunity you missed.

How about for managing stress?
Video games (which I don’t recommend after my last two answers, haha), or hanging out with my girlfriend are the two main ones for me. It’s very good to take a step away and just do normal stuff with friends. I always come back to the studio or office feeling creative and refreshed.

What’s your most treasured possession?
A smiley face tattoo that my sister gave me (she’s not a tattoo artist at all; it was her first time tattooing). My sisters, mom and brother-in-law all traded tattoos with each other one Thanksgiving, after I learned that one of my mom’s art students let her borrow a tattoo machine to see if she could figure out how to use it. Out of all my tattoos, it’s my favorite—and by far, the shittiest (thanks, sis!

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