The Smart Camper’s Voice / Entry 9

Holiday season is upon us and Thanksgiving is around the corner. A time to give thanks for your hard work and to celebrate with your loved ones. When conceived it was for the purpose of celebrating a bountiful harvest in face of the harsh winter ahead. Thanksgiving Day has been traced down to a 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation, where the settlers held a feast after a bountiful harvest. Its been almost 400 years since that first Thanksgiving and it is now a major tradition for all US citizens regardless of where they are in the world. A big part of the holiday is it’s dinner. Turkey is the key and all the other-other traditional components such as the gravy, sauce and stuffing bring back memories of years past. The Smart Camper’s Guide would like to challenge you and your family to give this special holiday a twist and take it outdoors.

The Smart Camper’s Voice / Entry 9

Camping on Thanksgiving

Our city lives and smartphones have taken away much of the sharing that used to happen at dinner time. We are nowadays more focused on our phones than on our loved ones. For this reason camping on Thanksgiving is a great idea to unite the family and spend some quality time. After setting up camp, the whole family can work on cooking dinner together. Camping sites offer more space than your regular kitchen so the possible cooking methods are more. Heck why not try the infamous deep fried turkey although please be sure to follow all safety measures before attempting it. There is no better way to slow down and be able to contemplate everything that Thanksgiving stands for than camping. After a nice dinner just sit back and relax, roast some marshmallows over the fire with the kids and truly enjoy the beauty of life. Camping is one of the best ways to give thanks to the earth and unite the family. The Smart Camper Voice wishes you and your loved ones a happy Thanksgiving and we hope your grilled turkey comes out tender and juicy!

Camping on Thanksgiving , cooking methods , deep fried turkey , enjoy the beauty of life , grilled turkey , Holiday season , major tradition , Plymouth Plantation , Thanksgiving , Thanksgiving Day , unite the family

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