Fun Brewery Engagement Pictures

This week’s adorable real engagement happened in a trendy spot in Atlanta, Georgia. Sharon and Tyson are a sweet couple that met on eHarmony about 3 years ago, and wanted some lively engagement pictures to commemorate their fun personalities.

How they met: After a couple weeks of chatting, we went on our first date at a rooftop bar in Atlanta. We clicked instantly. Our conversation flowed effortlessly- mostly because of our common interests and sense of humor. Before we knew it, 3 hours had passed! We’ve been inseparable ever since.

Proposal Story: We were traveling in Paris, when my fiance Tyson, popped the question!
On the day of the proposal, we were planning to see the Love Lock Bridge (Pont des Arts) in Paris. It was first thing in the morning, and I was still pretty groggy. Since I was still waking up, I didn’t read any nervousness that Tyson might have been showing. As he wasn’t involved in the activity planning for that day, I had no clue that there was a big surprise headed my way!  (If he were to propose, I always thought he’d schedule a fancy dinner or a romantic walk, you know, something totally obvious that would tip me off.) But he played it cool that day, and went along with whatever I thought we should do.

Once we got to the bridge, we placed our lock on the bridge and then needed to throw the keys in the river. When I asked Tyson for the second key, he pulled out the ring, and got down on one knee. I was in SHOCK; not that he proposed, but that he was able to surprise me! After his dreamy proposal, we spent hours just walking around Paris and chatting about the events that led up to the proposal (how my parents reacted when he asked, how his mom reacted, etc). It was such an amazing day

How they picked their photo shoot location: When planning our engagement session, we wanted a place that meant something to us. Most of our hobbies involve food and drinks, so I was struggling to think of a good place that would mean something to us, and also give us great engagement pictures. I briefly mentioned our love of beer, and the SweetWater Brewery to my photographer, and she jumped at the idea! She loved how unique and personal it was for us. We visit this brewery all the time with friends, and it’s my fiance’s first choice for beer during any occasion (we’re having it at the wedding too!), so it was perfect! Our photographer spoke to the Manager who was just as excited to have us shoot some cute brewery engagement pictures there. The whole staff was so gracious to us and let us shoot all over the brewery. We had an amazing time drinking some of our favorite beers and capturing moments that would last a lifetime.

Photography Credit: Carrie Joy Photography

Fun Brewery Engagement Pictures

Fun Brewery Engagement Pictures

Fun Brewery Engagement Pictures

Fun Brewery Engagement Pictures

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