Cwtch of the Week: A Greenhouse Cwtch

Oh its another Monday! but don’t worry.. we’re here with our Cwtch of the Week to put a smile on your face. And this weeks is another beauty! Shot by the talented Carly Turner . Jen and Mike shared this lovely moment during their engagement shoot in a breathtaking botanical garden. Over to Carly to tell us all about it…….

Cwtch of the Week: A Greenhouse Cwtch

Cwtch of the Week: A Greenhouse Cwtch

Cwtch of the Week: A Greenhouse Cwtch

This is Jen & Mike. Shot at Singleton Park in Swansea , botanical gardens. I love this shot because I love this couple! They are so sweet, genuine and easy going. They are due to get married in December and I love talking the details over with them. They are just beautiful people, inside and out.

I also love that they chose this place as a location for their engagement shots. It was raining that day which was no problem as all this is indoors! And because it’s a giant greenhouse, the lighting is perfect! I should also mention, they love collecting cactus (cactai?) and even naming the ones they have … and there is an entire part of the greenhouse filled with them! xx

As a little bonus, we have the wonderful proposal story sent in by Jenny herself, over to you lovely girl……

Mike and I met around 7 years ago when I was working as a barmaid in a pub in Furnace, Llanelli . A year after we met he asked me over to see his Christmas Tree, I’m a big fan of Christmas Trees so I graciously accepted and after admiring his tree we went to a comedy show in the Uplands, Swansea.
Fast forward 3 and half years later and we’re on holiday in Krakow . It had been a lovely day of exploring the city and in the evening Mike took me to a wonderful little restaurant off the main square in the city centre where we ate 7 courses (though one course was a vodka course which was made up entirely of different vodka shots!)
After the meal we wondered through the city as it was getting dark and then finished off the evening with cocktails at the rooftop bar at the Sheraton . The view overlooking the city and Wawel Castle was incredible. As we were walking back to our apartment along the river, he stopped me just in front of the castle’s fire breathing dragon and that was where he asked me to marry him! I think I might have even said yes before he had finished asking the question! We celebrated afterwards at an absinthe bar.
I couldn’t wait to tell our friends and family when we got back home, but it turned out Mike had already told a lot of them that he was going to propose when we were in Krakow and had also showed a few of them the ring! It turns out that he had bought the ring about 6 months before our holiday and was keeping it in the spare wheel of the car as he thought that would be the only place I wouldn’t look (He was right!) He said he was too excited and had to show someone. But he did buy me a custom ring from Artemer Studio which he designed himself so I couldn’t complain too much. We’re getting married this year at Llwynhall, Llanelli on Saturday 3rd December, and I’m soooo excited!

What a stunning location Carly! This is so beautiful and happy.  And the proposal story!! We absolutely adore it. Well done Mike, excellent proposal skills mate!  Congratulations to you both.
We cannot wait to see the wedding photographs! x

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