Fall chinook run downgraded to second-best on record

Fall chinook run downgraded to second-best on record
A one-day record 67,024 fall chinook went up the Bonneville Dam fish ladder and past the viewing window on Sept. 7, 2014.

FISHING -- The 2014 fall chinook run to the Columbia River is coming up short of expectations -- but it's still at least the second best return since Bonneville Dam was built and fish counting started in 1938.

Here are the highlights of Columbia forecasts and observations released today from Washington and Oregon salmon managers:

Stock Status Updates

  • Passage of adult fall Chinook at Bonneville Dam through September 23 totals 741,500 fish.   Typically, passage is about 90% complete by this date.
  • The 2014 Columbia River return is currently projected to reach 1,183,300 adult fall Chinook, including 677,600 Upriver Bright (URB) stock Chinook.  The preseason forecast was 1,510,600 of which 919,000 were expected to be URBs.
  • The total expected fall Chinook return (including URBs) is the 2nd largest since at least 1938.  The 2013 is record return with 1,268,400 fall Chinook including 784,300 URBs.
  • Passage of upriver summer steelhead at Bonneville Dam through September 23 totals 282,100 fish.  Passage has been slightly greater than expectations. Upriver summer steelhead passage (July-October) is currently projected to reach 296,600 fish at Bonneville Dam, including 37,500 Group B stock (9,350 wild).
  • Passage of adult upriver coho at Bonneville Dam through September 23 totals 156,000 fish.  The counting period for this early stock component continues through September 30. Upriver early-stock coho passage at Bonneville is projected to reach 167,000 adult fish, compared to a preseason expectation of 102,200 fish.

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