Flying Air Asia X: Low Cost Flights Making Travel Affordable for All

One of the biggest costs of travel are your flights. Flying is not cheap, and so as a result prevents many people from having that much craved for travel experience.

The cost of flights is an especially important consideration for those who travel with children .

Flights are usually long, uncomfortable and unmemorable- the main focus of your travels is to be able to spend money on those experiences that provide you with deep and long lasting memories.

This is why, when we trave,l we like to look at what areas we can cut back our spending on , in order to have the option to spend more money on those memories.

Ways we do this is by eating with the locals, catching public transport, staying in cheaper accommodation or by finding cheap flights.

Air Asia X is a low cost carrier airline helping all people to fly

Flying Air Asia X: Low Cost Flights Making Travel Affordable for All

Come fly Air Asia

Air Asia, one of the largest and most respected budget airlines in the world, was created 10 years ago with the desire to make air travel more affordable and accessible to everyone.

Air Asia X allows passengers to personalize their travels with options like choosing their own meals and seats and up-sized baggage which helps to reduce the cost of the original ticket.

Air Asia originally started with short haul flights of four hours or less. Flights longer than this now operate under the Air Asia X label. We flew Air Asia X to Malaysia for the Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards .

Flying Air Asia X: Low Cost Flights Making Travel Affordable for All

As it is purposefully designed as a low cost airline there are certain luxuries you may not receive compared to flying with the more expensive airlines.

But if it is cost saving you are after then flying Air Asia X makes for a good option.

Tips for Flying Air Asia X

There are certain things you need to be aware of in order to prepare yourself for a comfortable experience.


I found the seats comfortable and surprisingly roomy.

The width of the seat was quite thin, but there was enough leg room, even my metre long legs could stretch out and did not feel as cramped as I have before on other airlines.

Flying Air Asia X: Low Cost Flights Making Travel Affordable for All

Enjoying the hot seat for a minute

Air Asia has hot seats you can pre-purchase which are those that have the extra leg room.

They also have a premium economy section you can pay more for. That is where you are going to find sleeping beds, warm meals, and full service.

Food and Drink

Meals need to be pre-purchased, or else you may run the risk of them running out should you wish to purchase on board. Our flight was eight hours so this was really needed.

Flying Air Asia X: Low Cost Flights Making Travel Affordable for All

If your flight is shorter you may not want to worry about it. Meals are small and only come out as the main dish, there is no added desert or salads. You can buy snacks that are reasonably priced.

Comfort Packs

A comfort pack which includes a pillow, blanket, and eye wear can also be pre-purchased. I found this to come in handy for our long flight as I found the air con really cold and needed to get some sleep as we were on an overnight fight.

Flying Air Asia X: Low Cost Flights Making Travel Affordable for All

Ready for comfort

The blankets sure came in handy on our 6 hour early morning layover in Melbourne.

Flying Air Asia X: Low Cost Flights Making Travel Affordable for All

Comfort in Melbourne airport

In Flight Entertainment System

For long haul flights on Air Asia X, I recommend hiring an in-flight entertainment system. There is a choice of about 5 movies, some T V shows and music channels.

Make sure you do this before you take your flight or there may not be any on board and you could have quite a boring flight home, like I did. I was hoping to finally watch Bridesmaids but the systems were all gone.

I watched the unusual sleeping positions of this guy instead.

Flying Air Asia X: Low Cost Flights Making Travel Affordable for All

For the whole flight!

Check In

Flying Air Asia X: Low Cost Flights Making Travel Affordable for All

Air Asia X check in

The check in time was extremely long leaving from Melbourne and then from Kuala Lumpur we had to pay a check in fee.

All of this can be avoided if you check in online before arriving at the airport or in KL they have check in machines.

In Summary

Flying Air Asia X is a solid choice for those wishing to fly cheaper so they can have more money to spend on other areas on their travels. I can really see what a great option it makes for budget travellers and for family travel.

If you prefer a little bit more comfort then you are going to have to fly more expensive airlines or just choose some of the upgrades mentioned above to give you that added extra comfort.

Air Asia X graciously sponsored the flights of all Australian bloggers attending the NAPBAS awards. All opinions are of my own. You can like their facebook page or check their website for flight information at Air Asia X

Have you flown Air Asia X before? Do you like to save money on flights?

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