Camping and Day Trips at Foster Falls

Camping and Day Trips at Foster Falls

By Justin Fricke, aka the JustinTheWeekendWarrior

Tucked away in the Southeastearn corner of Tennessee, about 40 minutes Northwest of Chattanooga, you’ll find Foster Falls in the little town of Sequatchie. Foster Falls makes for a great day trip or weekend camping trip if you’re not into climbing (more on that in a later post). It’s also dog friendly, so if you don’t bring a dog or own a dog for that matter, you can just play with other people’s dogs, which is what my friends and I do.

After a short walk down the trail from either the parking lot or campsite, you’ll come across the 60 foot cascading waterfall that is Foster Falls. With plenty of trees around, you can easily find a cool shaded area to string up your hammock . You’ll thank yourself by bringing a bug net and some bug spray as well since it can get a little buggy, especially as the weather is getting warmer.

Hang out in your hammock with some friends in the morning and then go take a refreshing dip in the cool mountain water in the afternoon after it has warmed up a bit. If you ever wanted to feel like Chris Sharma , take your shot at the Deep Water Solo (DWS) that Foster Falls has to offer. It’s by no means a big DWS, but it’s still something fun to do that will keep you entertained for hours and can provide some really good photo opportunities. Rock hop or swim to the right of the falls. Start where the rock face meets the land to continue the easy traverse behind the falls where you’ll then start your vertical ascent. When you run out of holds, go for a big dyno, hold your breathe, and get ready to plunge into the water.

Camping and Day Trips at Foster Falls

Once you’re done swimming and climbing, take the long trail back. It takes about twice as long, but it’s more scenic. You also have a better shot at seeing some of the teeming wildlife, such as birds, frogs, butterflies. But watch your step! You don’t want to accidentally step on a snake that’s resting on the other side of the rock that you’re stepping over. Just be aware, and you’ll see some great wildlife.

The longer trail also takes you by some sport climbing areas, so feel free to hangout with the climbers while you’re on your way back to the main trail. You’ll get to pass two scenic overlooks that will give you an aerial view of Foster Falls from two different sides. You’ll also cross over or, if you wish, go into the river that eventually turns into Foster Falls.

Whether it’s a day trip or a camping trip, you’re bound to have some fun at Foster Falls.

Happy Exploring!

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