
As you can see I’ve been so busy of late I’ve had little, if any, time to update my websites or keep up with the blog. But these are the things that always go first. I will keep up with my life in him, my time with Sara and the kids when they want (Yes, I got some play time in with Aimee last night!), my personal connections with others and my responsibilities. Only when those are well served do I get to tinker with the web sites. So I know the travel page is well out of date and the blog entries have lagged. It looks better up ahead, however, since I’ll be around the place a bit more over the next few weeks finishing up some other projects. It’s just that getting home from a lengthy trip and sorting through the things I need to do here as a result takes a bit of catching up.

I’ve also been busy helping the local police department bring a diverse array of service providers together who want to provide a relational connection for those kids in gang neighborhoods who want to stay gang-free. That’s been a bit of work as well! So, now you know the rest of the story…

But I had an awesome time on Vancouver Island with a whole lot of different folks. Over the weekend we met with a wonderful group of people who are sorting out how to live free in Christ. They started with a lot of issues about leadership, meetings, and the like, but we soon got lost in the wonder of living in the immense affection of our Father and seeing how naturally that lives out in our lives with other people. That stuff is way too much fun.

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