Celebrate Bike Month

Celebrate Bike Month

“May is National Bike Month , sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists and celebrated in communities from coast to coast. Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and encourage more folks to giving biking a try.”
The League of American Bicyclists

Whether it’s commuting to work, or fixing up a friend’s bike–May is the time to encourage those around you to make bikes a bigger part of their life.

Many ENOpians are also bicycle enthusiasts. Whether you have a beater you like to play around on, mountain bike, or are a road biker–May is the time to celebrate bicyclists everywhere! Bicycling elevates happiness, contributes to a healthier environment and is just plain fun.

Even though you pack light before you hop on a bike, there’s always room in the backpack for your hammock . What better way to rest and relax after a good ride? The benefits from regularly bicycling is a long list, read on to learn some of them.


The longest mountain bike race in the world was a ride from Canada to Mexico. With 2700 miles over the continental divide in the Rockies.

If the average person biked to work or shopping once every two weeks instead of driving, we could prevent the pollution of close to one billion gallons of gasoline from entering the atmosphere every year.

For a 150-lb woman, bicycling at less than 10 miles per hour, burns about 300 calories in 60 minutes.

Since 2000, bike commuting has grown by 62 percent.

Bicycling just 20 miles per week reduces women’s risk of heart disease by 50%.

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