Disillusioned With Politics? This Guy Transformed a Voting Booth into a Drum Machine

Disillusioned With Politics? This Guy Transformed a Voting Booth into a Drum Machine

While political junkies might be keenly awaiting the third Presidential debate this evening, there’s others among us who have reached “peak politics” and have grown desperate to do something, anything just to make the pain stop. Don’t worry guys, because Mike Richison, professor and artist from Monmouth University in New Jersey, has got your back.

Richison has taken old voting booths that were used back in 2000 and rescued them from the depraved depths of politics, transforming them into an actual musical instrument.

He told Fact Magazine that the intention was to locate light in the darkness; “completing the participant’s transformation from disenchanted voter to amateur electronic music producer.”

Richison calls his strange creation the “Video Voto Matic,” which he has loaded with drum samples that are constructed from sound bites from the current presidential candidates, as well as other political players like Bernie Sanders, and Barack Obama. Each sample also triggers a synced visual on the screens, just to enhance the political submersion levels.

Find out more at Mike Richison's website and watch the demonstration video below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reiEx4DFDhA]

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