||Merry Christmas Eve|| giving freely

Yesterday, my best friend caught me in my “guilt” over giving this holiday season.   As we discussed the fact that tomorrow was Christmas Eve (uh, when did that happen?) I confessed that I was a little bummed out at the lack of time & money I had to give more gifts.  Even though I’m not a fan of malls and shopping in general, it was a reminder that I’m not exempt from the Holiday ads that tempt me to buy more and spend more. I know that nothing I could buy would ever truly be enough for those people who have supported and loved me, and that there is no such equation that says the more you spend is equivalent to the more you care about a person.  I don’t want to fall into the trap of that idea, but I do love the thought of  being able to provide for those who have provided so much for me. It would be wonderful to surprise my loved ones with extravagant gifts.… Disneyland tickets, a surfboard, travel, a new boat, a puppy, a round at Pebble Beach Golf Course or a Slayer espresso machine.  While no one expects them, I still catch myself in slight remorse that I’m not able to give them.

Luckily, I keep a close crew of family and friends that appreciate the immaterial just as much as the material-who value intangibles that we often take for granted.  Some of my favorite gifts have been written words, photographs, paintings and mixed tapes.  Some have been given to me for occasions, while others were just unplanned and spontaneous.  A hug that lasts minutes, a walk with supportive conversation, a plumeria flower or dinner waiting for me when I get home.  These little gifts are everywhere, don’t overlook them.

Take a moment to mentally list the things you can give freely.  Maybe it’s your time, advice, or smile.  It’s those unique offerings that hold more value than anything bought in a mall or charged on your credit card.  I hope that my words are a gift to someone because your comments and support are an immeasurable gift to me.

Merry Christmas and have a safe and Happy Holiday!

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