Pixelated furniture handmade by designer

Art furniture designer Bomi Park’s representative work “Afterimage” was inspired by her early childhood: a scaffold she used to see while following her father from his workplace, construction sites. A scaffold, a lattice-like basic temporary installation set only for functionality at construction, represents her childhood memory. From the scaffold, Bomi extracted the line which is the very basic design element. Constructing her work with lines derived from a scaffold, Bomi will showcase her mirage-like memory in an arcane and mysterious manner.

Pixelated furniture handmade by designer

Unlike its ‘digital’ appearance, Afterimage is actually ‘analog’. Though it seems to be designed by a computer programme, it is “hand-made” from scratch. Bomi Park welded the hundreds of wires one by one by hands. For Afterimage table that hundreds of lines form blurry shape, it took 20 days to make it when she tried for the first time. Her hands covered with cuts and scars looked as if it is proving her hard work and patience.  Another interesting point is that she does not use any 3D programme for Afterimage furniture, except for CAD for calculation. She thinks of the form in her mind and builds the front first. After, she weaves following layers one by one until it gets a complete form. Her works seem digital and pixelated for some people, but it is her analog and emotional interpretation of memories.

Pixelated furniture handmade by designer

From tables to a chandelier, Bomi Park’s furniture is built with multiple layers of metal wire mesh, creating optical illusions. She experiments with industrial materials, exploring the area between art and furniture. BomiPark said, “I would like to interpret furniture as an art that people can communicate with and elicit creative change, beyond furniture as simple props situated in space”. “Beyond practicability focusing only on function, I would like to present people time for remembrance as a gift”, she added.

Pixelated furniture handmade by designer Pixelated furniture handmade by designer

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