God Makes Himself Known in North Pokot

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone dig a toilet in the hot sun for his friend.”

No, that’s not how the Scripture reads, but it is true enough!  This is way above washing dirty feet, that’s for sure.  And way above helping a friend move.  The outpouring of love from the Kenyans in Katale for the Keyans in West Pokot has astounded me.  Yes, many of you have provided the means for them to do it, but they have gone and done the hard work of digging foundations, pouring cement, building the walls, and now finishing the school and the dispensary. If you’ve missed the earlier part of this story, you can catch up here .
The work is almost done. Three wells are up and running and the school and dispensary are almost complete.  The work continues as does the need.  I received this report from Michael yesterday:

Dear brother Wayne, greetings in the most powerful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, thank you very much for your support.  This project has changed the image of this region, and people now can understand about God.
The greatest support is about water, hospital and the school.  These were the three major needs for this wonderful people.   I have spent a long time there with the engineer and some volunteers who remain to see that every dollar goes to the right materials.   Every project is in the process of being completed soon.
I cannot even explain the great love beyond the boundary and the great investment which you have invested towards our people, may God receive all Glory, the honor and praise.  It is true we are overwhelmed by the need here.  We cannot take you as a source of solving our problems, but keenly through the conviction of the Holy Spirit may give us the help we need.   In this region many people have more affected with hunger, which I cannot even tell and sometimes we meet people they look like skeleton.  Your greatest help among all, is to help them to get water and we have heard, the songs from their tradition language praising for God for heaven who has make all of these for them to get water, their family and animals.  It was a great gift to save the life of thousands across this region.
This is amazing grace; the people in this community were happy and rejoicing.  Every evening you can hear young men making a circle jumping and dancing praising God who has answered their prayers for all this generation.  Old women and men in the community were sitting under the big tree talking about the miracle that God has done.
Recently I was visited by four representatives of the community who walked very long distance during our first visit outreach.  You remember that you contributed additional food for this community.  They came with a request to have a well drilled for them, which their community can share.  They live a very long distance from the other wells.  I feel strongly in my heart that God one day will hear their cry and provide for them.
I know the need of wells is so great and we cannot satisfied every community, but we can give what the Lord has given us, for some whom God may lead.   The extra money you sent for the well company to repair their damaged truck has melted their hearts and they promised us that if we needed to add another well they would do it for only $29,000 no matter if it needs to be deeper than the expected.  They will do it for God’s glory.
About outpatient services, we need now to start the process of getting licenses, so that we may be given assurance of start up the dispensary soon. I think we send it to you the amount; we have book some appointment with the health department at the end of this week. After that, then we will evaluate the doctor and two nurses.
Brother Michael

Here are a few pictures from the completion of the dispensary:

God Makes Himself Known in North Pokot

Digging the latrine for the dispensary

God Makes Himself Known in North Pokot

The dispensary nears completion

God Makes Himself Known in North Pokot

The flooring is poured inside and out and the electrical has been installed.  Inspectors arrive this week to work out licensing and supply.

So, what’s next?  We are praying with them about God’s provision for another well at $29,000.00.   This group of people are too far away to utilize the three previous wells.
From the beginning God has convicted me that while we can help as he leads he did not want the people in Kenya to become dependent on the West, but to look to God as their provider.  That’s why we’ve not only tried to help, but we’re also trying to find ways to create enterprises whose profit can meet the ongoing costs of the orphanage, dispensary and schools.  This has not been easy, but it is important that they have the opportunity
The petrol station we built last year was part of that. Unfortunately its profits only cover about two thirds of the orphanage and education of the children.
So I have asked them to look for another enterprise to make up the difference.  They may have landed on something now that would not only provide the balance for the orphanage but also the dispensary and schools in North Pokot.  They want to set up a distributorship for grain, buying it during the harvest, and dispensing it in the months that follow.  Their projection is that for a $14,000 investment they will be able to set up this business, employ locals to run it and make enough money each month to handle the ongoing needs both in their region and in North Pokot.  At the same time they will be able to help make food available in the communities where they live.  We are still sorting through the numbers on this venture to see if they add up, but this might be the answer to a lot of prayer.
If God has put it on your heart to help with these needs, you can direct it through Lifestream.  Contributions are tax-deductible in the US.  As always, every dollar you send goes to the need in Kenya.  We do not (nor do they) take out any administrative or money transfer fees.  If you would like to be part of this to support these brothers and sisters and see the gospel grow in this part of Africa, please see our Sharing With the World page . You can either donate with a credit card there, or you can mail a check to Lifestream Ministries • 1560 Newbury Rd Ste 1  •  Newbury Park, CA 91320. Or if you prefer, we can take your donation over the phone at (805) 498-7774.

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