More From Kenya

This weekend I’ve been hanging out with a bunch of free rangers in Omaha, NE and having a wonderful time. I’ve talked nonstop for two and a half days in a string of conversations that just unfold during the day with different people flowing in and out of them. I love the hunger and the freedom God makes available to his people. What a joy!

But I got some email this morning from Kenya, that let’s me know the need there is ongoing. The situation has deteriorated greatly in the last three days. They have used up all the money we have sent and as you can read below the need continues to grow. We continue to send money overseas to help. What blessed me about the recent emails you can read in the last excerpt. God is actually beginning to reveal to them a different way to think and be the church. In this culture that’s a major shift and I marvel at their open hearts to give to others in this time of crisis.

If any of you want to help us help them, please go to our Invoice Page and click on the ‘Pay Invoice’ button. You can then list “Donation for Kenya” and the amount you’d like to give. If you use the ‘Donation’ button you will need to also send me an email letting me know you wanted this to go for Kenya and not for Lifestream. All donations to this cause are tax deductible and every dime sent to us will go out for relief in this Kenyan crisis. Or, if you prefer, you can also send a check to Lifestream • 7228 University Dr. • Moorpark, CA 93021.

From the director of the base we are helping:

Yesterday I went in western province, to attend a burial of one of our sister who died through the violence . The violence came out as from Monday between Nandi and Maragori. Many houses were burned and round eight people died.And over 300 houses were burned. We still need more prayers because this things as arising time to time many people have camped within the police and churches. There is full of people who have come for help in IGEM western office. So we still need more prayers and any help which God may put in your hands. Thank you very much for continue praying for us. We say that may the Lord bless you and annoint you more and more.

From Jane, a mother who received food and blankets from IGEM:

I am so happy to write to you thank you very much for the great support you send to us through Michael . We have never seen you but God may bless you more and more. I was among the people who was affected in this violence but we thank God for his divine protection. We were alive with the entire family and we moved out safely. We are now stationed with one of IGEM church members believing God. We thank you for your great support to our brothers who have camped everywhere. Thank you for blankets mats and food. May god bless you am a mother of 8 children.

From the office manager at IGEM:

I would like to report about serious report from our brothers and sisters who are affected country wide with this violence you might have been reading the reports through internet but I want to report only what is in the ground which is affecting our people for about three days ago within Kitale. Michael, our director has not slept for about three days.

In one of our zones the invaders had burned again the houses and killed a big number of people . And many people have ruined walking about thirty kilometers to find the refuge and we have just right now with more than one hundred and fifty families who need totally our help. the things they are doing they burn houses, taking the flocks and burning the maize stores. People have nothing, some even without the clothes especially the children so pastor Michael he went today in the morning with other parents to find some of the children who were displaced without knowing where they have gone. But I have received a phone from Him that the things are not good they have managed to get only two children out of thirteen . And have requested me to send to you if you can intervene for this hard situation . This is why I am writing to you on his behalf.

So please brothers we need your help again. There is more cry and suffering.

Some of the families they walked long time without eating so today our team are working out how they can help. So anything you may feel we are in needy just now . May the Lord bless you so much.

And then she added this in a subsequent note. In it she refers to some of my books that I sent to them almost a year ago now:

Thank you very much for your books, has blessed us more. We have copies in the office. And we have been giving out for ministers to read at least two weeks before they return it. The book has became a great blessing to us specifically; the one in title: Authentic Relationship, He Loves Me and The Naked Church.

About me personally I have received something which has changed my life because people especially here in Africa they honor a building much more to respect as a church. And most of our people here they have been putting the titles and positions. But these material has real helped us and Michael. In the last three weeks, He confessed before people about the titles in IGEM structure and he insist to change it and immediately focus on what the Lord has revealed . And he insisted through your booklets called; “Won’t you go to church” so I want to share with you- Lord is changing something and is demolishing what man might been building. Thank you very much. God may use you in this end time church to put the spiritual structure which somethings mankind can not see by their eyes.

Wherever I rested in the office, you may get me with one of this books especially’ “He Loves Me.”

Recently we got the message from the people who have camped, she read about your message we circulated by the name “one anothering” and she was totally complete convicted once more. So you may not have come in Kenya but, your message God is using to change a church structure in Africa. And if Michael is leading a big organization like IGE how much more if God will use him to teach the church in Africa. You might have done something great which you will be rewarded.

If Father puts this on your heart, please share what you can with these dear people. Thank you!

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