Ashley Wallbridge Speaks on His Ghost Producing Past: “I’ve Made 10 Beatport #1 Records”

Ashley Wallbridge Speaks on His Ghost Producing Past: “I’ve Made 10 Beatport #1 Records”

Ghost producing remains one of the most contentious issues in the dance industry; the very idea that your favorite DJ/producer didn’t actually produce their own records is a hugely controversial one. This week, trance producer extraordinaire Ashley Wallbridge has come clean on his own involvement, starting with his own definition of the practice.

“I’ve made 10 Beatport #1 records… all for other DJs,” Wallbridge revealed in a Twitter post .

“In the dance world, we call this ghost producing… [which] means I make a record, get paid for it, and then the DJs pretend they actually made it. I had to sign contracts to say I would never mention my part in those tracks. If I do, I get sued.”

The interesting revelation is that Wallbridge concedes that it helped sustain his decade-long career working in dance music.

“For a while, I made great money and felt happy. I could survive from my passion making music. But after a while, something didn’t feel right.”

This year, Wallbridge reached the turning point where he decided he couldn’t continue “lying” to fans and himself, announcing this week that “No amount of money will buy you one of my records.”

Check out Wallbridge’s “short story” on ghost production in full below.

Ghost production in music... a short story

— Ashley Wallbridge (@AshWallbridge) August 4, 2016

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