What inspired you in July?

What inspired you in July?

At the end of every month we love to share what inspired us. Without inspiration, we will never be moved to get off the couch and make our life count. These are the things that are helping us bounce off the couch with a fist pump and a hell yeah!

Life rocks, I can make my life rock too!

Be sure to share with us in the comments below what is causing you to dance like Macklemore and “put your hands up cause the ceiling can’t hold us.”

Why you should quit your job and travel now

I discovered this post by Miss Jesse Rose through a friend’s tweet.

You know when you read someone elses writing what is in your heart, and then you say damn I wish I could express myself like that? That is Miss Jesse Rose. I’m now a loyal stalker and hoping some of her literary magic will rub off on me.

The Blue Mountains

What inspired you in July?

Last week we visited the Blue Mountains with LastMinute.com.au.

It was the first time for me and I fell in love. It has inspired me for More Travel Now. I had never really been interested before because I thought it was just about the Three Sisters and it did not look to thrilling.

The Blue Mountains is so much more than the Three Sisters.

Digging deeper into the valley, you’ll find waterfalls, rainforest walks and stunning views. And it also has delicious local produce and wine. We overindulged with glee. It’s the perfect getaway being so close to Sydney and I am planning a return trip already. We’ll publish a post in about 2 weeks time. It will inspire you.

Spotify’s recommended artists

This is why I love social media and the new way of doing things.

Every time I open Spotify it recommends artists to me based on one’s I’ve listened to already. I am discovering so many talented artists who keep me inspired. It’s hard to get to the talented singer songwriters through the pile of mainstream crap .Thank you Spotify.

Who am I loving? Emile Sante, Gabrielle Aplin, Matt Nathansan are a few. Tell me in the comments below who else I should listen to.

The power of Vulnerability: Tedx talk by Brene Brown

“In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen.”

I really enjoyed this talk about the importance of opening ourselves up warts and all in order to live a wholehearted life.

I think those who travel probably find it easier to allow themselves to be seen and so connect with others. All that really matters is who you are in the present moment, no one knows or cares about your past, they just want to see your heart.

Our reader emails

We are so blessed with the company we keep on our travel blog.

We rarely get any nasty comments and everyone is supportive and encouraging. We receive a lot of emails from our readers sharing their stories. I adore every single one.

The bravery that is shown in sharing your fears and then taking the leap into the unknown despite of them is so inspiring. They encourage me to keep going and I find myself often with raised chicken skin, tears welling, giving huge fist pumps in the air with how you are embracing your dreams and saying, “Life lived on my terms only.”

You remind me to be brave and fearless and to keep working to help others create their ultimate lives.

You all freakin rock!

How to deal with Criticism

I was listening to a business coaching call with Marie Forleo while cooking the other week. It’s the best time for me to get up to date with some of my B-School work. She said some amazing things about dealing with criticism.

One quote she shared resonated with me:

What inspired you in July?

I really felt like I needed to share this with y’all.

After I listened to that call, in my email inbox was the latest Marie TV episode where she shared some of the wisdom I had just heard through my iPod. I can’t share with you that one as it’s private course material, but I can certainly share her Episode, which you’ll find here.

I had a similar conversation about this with a reader a few days previously.

People who choose an unconventional life (which is what long-term travel is), or who stand out from the crowd to create an extraordinary life will always be criticized. In fact, everyone always will. This is what I wrote to my reader,

“The most liberating thing anyone can do is to give up worrying what people think. People will have an opinion of you no matter what you do, so you might as well do what you want. I gave up caring many years ago, now I only let myself guide my life. It’s fabulously freeing and the place to start finding your true happiness. You cannot ever let someone else define your life for you. They will take your dreams and limit them based upon what they think is possible for themselves.

We don’t need anyone to tell us what is right for us, we can feel that deep with in us. Follow that intuition and you’ll never go wrong.”

Backpacker Banter

What inspired you in July?

So I got a little lost on Chris’ site, Backpacker Banter , the other day.

I love perusing backpacking sites as it takes me back to days of total freedom where I first discovered a passion and a love for something that would become an outlet to express who I truly am.

Chris has the spirit. Wrap yourself up in it.

I also really love his monthly budget break down posts . It will really help you to see how achievable this travel life is.

Age is no barrier

What a sweetheart! If she doesn’t give you goose bumps, nothing will. Beautiful version of a song I love.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-lLlEtoAS8]

Hey on the flip side of the no age barrier. My Dad left today for London for a cricket tour.

He is the opening batsman for the Australian over 70′s side. Freakin cool no? I think Mum is finally enjoying being a cricketer’s wife. She’s beside herself with excitement to finally go to England. They inspire me in so many ways.

You can make your dreams come true no matter your age.

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

I’m really enjoying reading Gay’s book about how to break through our Upper Limit Problems and live from our Zone of Genius – the place where we exist in Einstein time and the mojo just effortlessly flows. Sounds like the place to be right?

We never get tired of inspiration so please share with us something that inspired you this month.

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