

From time to time, we come across truly inspirational people. People who grab onto the horns of life, and direct them in the path they choose. Jedidiah Jenkins is one of those people.

It all started for Jedidiah 3 years ago when he read this quote from naturalist, and ENO favorite, John Muir:

“I am losing precious days. I am degenerating into a machine for making money. I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men. I must break away and get out into the mountains to learn the news.”

He was also approaching his 30 birthday, and felt the “ newness of life and career and cities and friends began to find their comfortable patterns, and once you see the pattern, time speeds up .” What did he do? Plan a 10,000 mile, 17-month bike ride from Oregon to Patagonia. That’s what!

And just like that the ultimate adventure, Oregon to Patagonia , was born…

Currently close to Cusco in Peru, Jedidiah began his journey on August 28th, 2013 from Florence, Oregon (fun fact… Florence was the destination of Jedidiah’s parents famous walk in the 1970’s that began in New York! Travel is in the Jenkins’ genes :-).) Meeting new people, exploring one-of-a-kind areas and learning exciting things, he’s been documenting his trip via Instagram and their blog .  They’ve also been sleeping in their ENO hammocks along the way!

What happens when they reach Patagonia? Jedidiah plans to write about his adventures in a novel. He hopes you follow their journey , and maybe even meet up with them along the way for a bite to eat, a quick drink, or even a hang in his hammock!

Some fun facts about their journey:

  • He’s used ENO gear since day one of the trip (9 months ago!)
  • He’s had celebrities join them .
  • Levi has kitted them out in the perfect travel jeans .
  • He will travel across 12 countries. (Respect!!!)

If his adventure has you feeling inspired to take your own thousand-mile journey, here’s a snap of what Jedidiah packed the day he left to get you going.:


About Jedidiah:

31-years-old from Los Angeles, California. He’s worked at a charity called Invisible Children for 5 years, spending lots of time in Northern Uganda and traveling the world advocating to stop the use of child soldiers in central Africa. His legal background and work in international justice has given him a strong perspective and interest in global citizenship and purpose driven careers.

To help you grasp just how far Jedidiah is peddling, here’s a big map

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