The ingredients for a perfect Hawaiian weekend?

Short answer:  LOVE / SUN / SAND / OCEAN / SURF / YOGA/ GRINDS


Longer Answer: start reading 😉

It’s starts with coffee… really good coffee. Flown in all the way from Washington and personally delivered to me by amazing Pacific Northwest living mountain boyfriend Jared.


Leisurely breakfasts always follow, and a road trip to Oahu’s most beautiful beach ensues.  Hours are spent at Yokohama with the majority of the day drifting underwater diving and shelling.  The colors on the largely untouched Westside are insane. Yes insane is the only word to describe it.  The mountains are glowing green.  The Ocean is on acid with blends of blues. The clarity is beyond impressive.  We have to break once before hanger (hunger + anger) gets the best of us.

Lunch that day is served farm to table at Kahumana Farms deep in Waianae.  Fresh organic greens are served straight from the garden that I can see from my seat as I grind away on my grilled ahi salad.  WOOFERS (Workers on Organic Farms) pile into the community style cafe and we learn that they help run the 9 acre farm.  We take a self guided tour and check out the different types of fruits and veggies  growing steady from the Hawaiian soil.  I also make a mental list of all the things I want growing in my future garden. 😉

We head back to Yokes for a few more rounds of shelling and sun worshipping before driving back into town to our favorite Indian restaurant Maharini’s .  This place never lets you down. Sorry, no food porn pictures!

The next morning, (leisurely breakfast and coffee checked off the list) it’s yoga photo shoot time with two of my  favorite (and very talented) people –  photographer/writer Mike Keany and model/stylist Tiare Thomas.

LOVE DOES My mountain man gets some mountain time trail running and getting muddy while we get to work updating my portfolio and practicing yoga in the forest (and stealing a few moments of nature bliss/moments of quiet.)

More beach time and of course, more food time.  The dinner menu tonight is Greek- and the only place to go for Greek on Oahu is BYOB chill spot The Olive Tree in Kahala. Kanack attacking once again, sleep comes easy (except for the thought of having to take Jared back to the airport the next day). But before airport comes surfing.

LOVE DOES Diamond Head is windy (no surprise), messy and all over the place, but damn it felt good to be out and paddling again after a 3 month hiatus (see fractured fibula + laziness).  Jared requests fish tacos for his last meal (really he request it almost every meal) but I don’t mind and something about surf and fish tacos just go together.

After lunch, I reluctantly take him to the airport, anticipating next week when it’s my turn to fly to him.  We’re definitely racking up the frequent flier miles. Splitting time between Seattle & Honolulu and holding on to the best of both worlds we have and share with each other.

LOVE DOES I think Bob Goff’s words in his book “Love Does” (which J bought for me) says it best, “That’s because love is never staionary. In the end, love doesn’t just keep thinking about it or keep planning for it.  Simply put: love does.” The most obvious and recent example is Jared’s spontaneous flight to Hawaii to spend this weekend with me.  But his love goes beyond flights and trips, adventures and suppling me with great coffee 😉 He demonstrates a love full of sacrifice, patience, presence and truth. He reminds me that love isn’t just a word, it’s an action. Love doesn’t just say or feel. LOVE DOES.

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