Decide before heading to Riverside State Park: Discover Pass $30, citation $99

Decide before heading to Riverside State Park: Discover Pass $30, citation $99
A catarafter takes it easier after an April run through Devils Toenail Rapid on the Spokane River in Riverside State Park. (Bart Rayniak)

PARKS -- With the sun shining, the river roaring and wildflowers blooming, funseekers were flocking to Riverside State Park last weekend.

The other thing that was blooming was tickets on windshields.

Seems that some of the crowd forgot that a Washington Discover Pass is required for motor vehicle entry in state parks.

"Enforcement was out in droves leaving $99 reminders on unsuspecting windshields," said Bart Rayniak of the Northwest Whitewter Association.

A year long Discover Pass costs only $30.

The pass also is required on state Department of Natural Resources lands.

And the Discover Pass or the Vehicle Access pass that comes with a hunting or fishing license is required at access site and boat launches managed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

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