The IceTee: It’s a T-Shirt with Ice Packs that Keep You Cool

Some friends of mine and fellow Austinites have come up with one of these great “why didn’t I think of that” products: the IceTee. Basically, it’s a workout shirt with cooling packets strategically embedded at certain points, and it keeps you from overheating if you’re out in the sun.

I’ve tried one on, and it feels great, but unfortunately I make it a point to only exercise indoors. (Yes, I know that the motto of this website is “Get out there,” but the only thing I do strictly for exercise is martial arts, and that’s an indoor thing.) My wife is threatening to force me to ride bikes with the family this summer, though, so I’ll be giving these a try at some point in the next few months. Look for an update after I do.

At any rate, the IceTee’s makers are looking to improve the product by upgrading the cooling packs so that they stay cooler longer. The current packs work for about an hour in intense heat, and the upgraded ones will extend that timeframe significantly. They’ve turned to Kickstarter to help them meet their funding needs, so please check out their Kickstarter page and participate if you’re an outdoor exerciser who could benefit from their product.

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