Penarth Pier Proposal

“You may have heard about this in the local press recently. However, we’re thrilled to have the shocked bride-to-be Louisa sharing her side of the story for all of us here at Cwtch The Bride. We LOVE a good proposal story and this boy certainly did good!  Lets hand you over to Louisa to tell you all about it.”

Penarth Pier ProposalIt’s been almost two weeks and I am still in shock about how my boyfriend proposed to me. It was the night of our first year anniversary and I was really looking forward to going out for a meal to celebrate, little did I know though about what he was planning.

We went to one of my favourite local restaurants by the pier called the Fig Tree, and half way through our meal I noticed that the pier looked all lit up with fairy lights, thinking nothing of it I pointed it out to my boyfriend and he casually remarked we should go and have a look at what’s going on there after we had finished our meal. It never once crossed my mind that those lights could be for me.

Penarth Pier Proposal

Once we had finished our meal, I did start to think he was acting a little twitchy as he was really insistent that he wanted to go outside and have a look at the pier.  I went along with it, but I left my bag in the restaurant as I thought we were going back, when he found this out he raced back in a grabbed my bag for me.  We walked up to the gates of the pier and it was locked, but luckily the pier master arrived with the key to let us in, it was only after the proposal that I found out that the pier is usually shut by this time and that Andrew had arranged it especially to be open just for us.

Once we got to the entrance of the pier, I could see that there was a run way lit up with tea lights, I still had no idea as I just thought there was something going on on the pier, but then he pointed to the side, and there surrounded by tea lights in a shape of a heart was a warm hot water bottle and fleece which he picked up and said this is for you.  I just looked at him bewildered and said why’s this for me?  He just took me by the hand and led me round the corner.  Once we turned the corner I could see the whole pier had been lit up and there was a pathway of lights leading to the end, it all looked so magical.  Then music started playing and I realised it was Jose Gonzalez’s Heartbeats , which is our special song.  I turned to him again and said did you do this?  He just smiled and laughed a little and said no no not me.  We carried on walking and by this stage I really didn’t know what to think, I was so confused, I was just looking round at all the lights a bit too shocked to speak.  Then he stopped at the first table and gave me a bunch of red roses, and then asked if I would like some champagne which was on the next table.

Penarth Pier Proposal

I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing; it was finally sinking in that he had done all this for me!  I was speechless.  Finally he led me to the end of the pier where there was a red heart lit up on the floor and a little table covered in lights, then he reached over and picked up a box from the table, hidden underneath a bag of popcorn (my favourite food).

Penarth Pier Proposal

Then he got down on one knee, I don’t think the words will you marry me had left his mouth before I blurted out oh my god yes!  By this point I thought I really couldn’t believe what was happening!  The first thing he did was give me a big hug and a kiss then spun me round to watch the fireworks he had prepared for this moment.  The fireworks were beautiful and it was such a brilliant way to finish off the proposal.  What makes this proposal even more special, is that Andrew was my first ever boyfriend when I was a teenager and now I can say he will be my last boyfriend too.

Penarth Pier Proposal

I think you can agree with me that Louisa is one lucky lady. If you would like to share your proposal story please email

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