Chesapeake Shores Engagement | Annamarie Akins

Friends, we are so ready to begin this new year… an expanse of 364 untouched days lie ahead! We hope you were blessed enough to spend the first of this year in the finest of company, sleeping in, starting fresh or just doing what your heart desires! Throughout January we will be sharing a sprinkling of posts with some of out favorite details of 2014, but for the most part we will be looking ahead–  new brides and grooms, new wedding trends, newly engaged and full-of-love posts!

Today’s post comes from the lens of Annamarie Akins ! We are so excited to share Emily & Jim’s shoreline engagement with you. It is as pure and peaceful as we hope this year is for all of you!

Chesapeake Shores Engagement | Annamarie Akins Chesapeake Shores Engagement | Annamarie Akins Chesapeake Shores Engagement | Annamarie Akins Chesapeake Shores Engagement | Annamarie Akins Chesapeake Shores Engagement | Annamarie Akins Chesapeake Shores Engagement | Annamarie Akins Chesapeake Shores Engagement | Annamarie Akins Chesapeake Shores Engagement | Annamarie Akins

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