Capitol Reef National Park: Chimney Rock Canyon to Spring Canyon

You don’t need to tackle Capitol Reef’s hardest terrain to see some of its best scenery. This 10-mile, cathedral-like hallway combines easy canyon hiking and foolproof routefinding (there’s only one way to go) with life-list sights, like lush cottonwoods backdropped by massive sandstone amphitheaters. From the Chimney Rock trailhead, good trail leads into the deep cleft of Chimney Rock Canyon.

At mile 2.9 you intersect Spring Canyon and hang a right, leaving the maintained path behind. In a mile, the wash drops through a slot canyon. Explore it until an abrupt, sketchy downclimb; detour around on a trail along the left/ north rim of the narrows. The washbottom route continues past overhanging cliffs to a spring with good water at mile 6.5.

Continue beneath towering cottonwoods until you ford the Fremont River (usually knee to thigh deep) and pop out on UT 24. Leave a shuttle car here, or you can hitch or bike the seven-mile return west to the trailhead (but cyclists must finish with a steep, three-mile hill climb).

WATER: You need carrying capacity for 2 gallons per person in warm weather and a filter to treat sometimes murky water. Our GPS track includes waypoints for potholes that are typically reliable, but sources can come and go.

CAUTIONS: Expect scrambling, difficult routefinding, and uncertain water sources. Never trust the rocks, which are loose. Cell reception is nil in the backcountry, so don’t count on a speedy rescue.

KEY GEAR: High-cut boots or ankle gaiters to repel grit; trekking poles; water shoes or sandals.

SEASON: Spring is popular for wildflower seekers. Late September and early October see far fewer visitors, calm blue skies, and gold cottonwoods. Summer highs reach the 90s.

MAPS: USGS 7.5-minute topos: Twin Rocks, Fruita, Golden Throne, and Notom ($8 each,

PERMIT: Overnight camping in Capitol Reef National Park requires a free backcountry permit. Get more trip planning details at

MORE INFO: Capitol Reef National Park, (435) 425-4111;

-Mapped by Steve Howe

TO TRAILHEAD: Start: From the park visitor center, drive west on UT 24 for 3 miles to Chimney Rock trailhead.

Shuttle/end: From the park visitor center, drive 3.9 miles east on UT 24.

To Trailhead

Capitol Reef National Park: Chimney Rock Canyon to Spring Canyon

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