Back from Omaha—off to DC!

Got back from Omaha yesterday afternoon and jump into a pretty short week here. I’ve got to leave next Tuesday for Washington, DC and the President’s Prayer Breakfast, which isn’t just a large breakfast banquet, but all day small-group sessions to help people connect. Sara, Brad and Paul Young (The Shack) will be going as well. This was in the works even before the book came out. We’re going to hang out in the area through Saturday to connect with some other folks as well. I’m blessed to have Sara with me on this one. It should be lots of fun.

I had a wonderful time in Omaha and met with lots of folks over four different nights in three different homes, and a coffee house where an emergent bunch are taking shape. I really enjoyed the people I got to meet and the hunger for an authentic expression of the life of the church. They seemed to come from a variety of places on this journey and they rotated through so we kind of had a circular conversation on a variety of topics.

You can probably hear a lot of that on a podcast I taped with one of my hosts on this trip, Kyle Knapp. We had a wide-ranging conversation on the life of the church and the hunger of God’s people that is surfacing over the earth. You can listen to it here , if you like. He’s a wonderful brother with some gifts in music as well. He just released a new album called House of Sod with lyrics grounded deeply in his passion for God and the Great Plains where he lives.

Also, please keep the need in Kenya in mind. They are calling out for help from their Western brothers and sisters for help in escalating death and destruction that is ravaging that country. If you can help, please see my previous post. Thanks!

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