Hot Clearwater fishing to pause; flows to change Thursday

Hot Clearwater fishing to pause; flows to change Thursday
An angler holds a fine Clearwater steelhead caught with the help of Clarkston-based fishing guide Toby Wyatt, right. (Courtesy)

FISHING -- Clearwater River steelhead fishing has been hot lately, according to Joe DuPont, Idaho Fish and Game Department regional fisheries manager in Lewiston.

but that's going to change temporarily on Thursday.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be doing tests at Dworshak Dam on Dec. 18 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. The plan calls for fluctuating water releases between 1,600 and 5,500 cfs.

"This will cause water levels in the North Fork Clearwater and main Clearwater rivers to fluctuate up to 1-foot per hour," he said.  "After the testing, releases from Dworshak Dam will return to a normal operation of 1,600 cfs.

"By the way," DuPont added. "Fishing was excellent last weekend in the Clearwater River with average catch rates of  5 hours per fish.  I suspect that after the steelhead have had a chance to settle back down after these flow changes that fishing will be good - maybe even better."

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