April // National Poetry Month

Last weekend I took a trip to the Fremont Farmers Market , mind set on buying a new dresser for my room and flowers for my soul.  With  everything from clothing to estate jewelry to vintage maps to dig through, you can easily spend all day moving from vendor to vendor, chatting with sellers and eating savory delicious food. Ready to get my shop on, I was stopped within the first 2 minutes, intrigued by a small crowd forming around the simple sound of a type-writer. A man sat content with nothing more than a small table, a smaller chair and a sign declaring his intention. You pick the topic, he writes the poem. Donations graciously accepted. One by one people walked up to him and gave a subject- a friend moving, lovers getting married, an adventure that must include a mermaid, octopus and a pirate ship….  I relaxed on the side line, listening to other’s requests and watching this poet’s mellifluous lyrics flow from thoughts out to the end of his fingertips.  After each poem he signed the small piece of parchment and read the poem out loud. April // National Poetry Month I finally moved forward and asked him to write something for me. My topic? Trust & Surrender.  His response and impromptu writing for others inspired me to get back to my own artistic expression.  And it just so happens that April is National Poetry Month, a further reason to spend some time nurturing my creative labors.  Maybe I’ll be brave and share something along the way…. In the meantime, here is a short list of poets I gravitate towards. Who tops your list? Share your thoughts or favorite poems below!

  • Rumi
  • Thich Nhat Han
  • Hafiz
  • Pablo Neruda
  • Kabir
  • ee Cummings
  • Walt Whitman
  • Mark Twain
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson

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