Killer whales join surfers in lineup off British Columbia


What do you get when you place killer whales, sea lions and surfers into the same small parcel of ocean?

Watch the video and see that you get killer whales that may or may not sense an easy meal (sea lions), very frightened sea lions (they are not jumping for joy), and some visibly nervous surfers, including at least one who decided it was smarter to watch the scene play out from shore.

The footage, captured at what looks like a pretty decent surf spot off Tofino, British Columbia, was uploaded Monday by Adam Chilton , who did not respond to a YouTube message requesting more information.

But those are transient killer whales, which prey largely on marine mammals such as sea lions. And those are some brave surfers, even though killer whales have never been known to attack humans in the wild.

--Note: The video was shortened by 45 seconds for the sake of brevity. Click here to watch the full version.

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