In Monticello

In Monticello

Sara and I spent the weekend in Charlottesville, VA with believers from all over central Virginia as well as those from as far away as Texas and Ohio who came to join us. Someone from ASSIST News Service wrote up an article about the weekend. You can read it here . We had three packed days of conversations with some wonderful people who are sorting out what it means to live in the love of the Father.

On Friday, Sara and I got to go to Monticello, the home of President Thomas Jefferson (pictured above) and then spent the last two days in Colonial Williamsburg exploring our early American heritage. Dovetailing with my work in BridgeBuilders , this has been a wonderful time to re-examine the history of those men and movements that culminated in our Declaration of Indendence and then a new government based on principle not monarchy or heritage.

Today it is back to work in Richmond with some dear, dear friends. One is writing a book on communion that will be an incredible gift to the church. Tonight I’ll make a a presentation at the Third Presbyterian Church of Richmond on THE SHACK and related topics. Then Sara and I will spend Friday and Sturday with some fellow-travelers on the north side of Richmond before heading home on Saturday night.

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