Happy Aloha Friday

We do not remember days…… we remember moments.

It was one of those enchanting nights. Blessed with a “staycation heaven” condo right on the water, I was lounging on the bed (situated right next to an open aired window), checking out the surf at Old Mans, watching the sun set behind the clouds and feeling more blessed than usual.  The sounds were rushing over me and I wasn’t sure which one to focus on.  The waves crashing just 100 yards below me, the Hawaiian music playing softly in the background, two people that I love and cherish so deeply laughing and cooking dinner together in the kitchen…. It’s these short, 3 second moments that flash too quickly, that you wish could play on forever.  Find those moments in your life.  Absorb yourself in your surroundings, your relationships, and your passions. Give thanks perpetually, live love, and have a beautiful aloha Friday!

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