Ask Etta: Revoking a Save the Date

While we dish about the hottest trends and latest designs, we also know how stressful prepping for the big day can be. Meet Etta, our expert in all things etiquette. She’s ready to delve into your every dilemma.

Tiffany Asks…

Is it okay to un-invite someone after sending them a save the date?  We haven’t sent out the invites, but we’re afraid we’ll run out on invitations and capacity. Especially when some of these people we sent save the dates to no longer hang out with us. I recently switched jobs and I thought I’d keep in touch with my old co-workers, but they’ve been distant. Please help!

Ask Etta: Revoking a Save the Date

Etta Says…

This is a pretty common question with a pretty steadfast answer. Save the dates (like wedding invitations) cannot be revoked. Once they’re out, they’re out—so be sure to meticulously comb your guest list before stamping and sending those pretty papers off. If you’ve lost touch with some of the people who received one, chances are they will decline the wedding invitation anyway, which is the best you can hope for. If they happen to accept, your wedding could be the perfect time and place to reconnect.

Have an etiquette question for Etta? Email us at and she’ll post an answer for you.

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