Animals in Hammocks: Happy Easter Bunny Edition!

In light of the forthcoming celebration of Easter, we’re bringing you a special edition of our animals-in-hammocks-videos. This time, with extra bunnies!

But before we begin, I’d like to bring you up to speed on some recent developments in the exciting world of bunny studies. Scientists in the field, known as bunniologists, wish to answer questions fundamental to the nature of bunnies. Namely, Why are bunnies so cute? What factors contribute to the cuteness of bunnies? Are bunnies cuter than kitties ?

Recently, bunniologists have posed another question: Do bunnies like hammocks? The results from this new new area of study have been nothing short of revolutionary.

The three following Youtube videos, shot by a few intrepid bunniologists, document a few recent experimental studies in bunniology.

The first video is the opening salvo in our battle to understand the bunnies in hammocks issue, asking and attempting to answer the fundamental question: What happens when you place a bunny in a hammock?


Initially, the bunny appears content on the hammock. The subject’s whisker-twitches might even suggest that the subject is deriving pleasure from its new environment.

At :13, the subjects behavior changes, clearly indicating displeasure in the springy nature of the hammock. Get me out of here, the subject seems to be saying. Evidence of the subjects nervousness-induced defecation is visible at :27. The subject escapes the hammock at 1:00, and for the rest of the test, cowers in the corner.

Clearly, this bunny was not ready for the hammock.

The peer reviews in the comment section, made by Ferretsandskunk’s colleagues, speaks to the bravery and cuteness of the fluffy test subject. “What an inspiration this little bunny is!” one of them writes.

Buniologists might have concluded from Ferretsandskunk’s study that bunnies simply do not like hammocks — that indeed the bunny’s hoppity nature and quick heartbeat is simply incompatible with the take-it-slow and chill-out nature of the hammock. No further study needed.

But cathytai, the author of the following study, could not hop away — so to speak — from the problem that easily. Her bunnioloist instincts told her that there was something that the studies of previous bunniologists were missing.

cathytai’s brilliant insight was to see that the previous study placed a bunny on a human sized hammock. It would be as if we gave a human a bunny sized cage to sleep in. Of course the bunny was uncomfortable!


A bunny-sized hammock for a bunny-sized bunny. Now that’s better! the test-bunny would exclaim (if bunnies could talk).

cathytai’s study was conclusive proof that bunnies love being in hammocks. The next logical step in the field of bunniology, of course, was to determine how many bunnies could fit into one hammock.


50 full sized, adult bunnies!

An interesting result of the study, which wasn’t initially a focus of the bunniologists, was that it proved once and for all that hammocks increase the sex-drive in bunnies. “Bunnies are having sex on me. Bunnies are having sex on me,” the study’s chief bunniologist reported.

Happy Easter!

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