Weekly Green Travel News Roundup.

The Green Travel Carnival was to be posted today but as most of the submissions didn’t really focus on green travel, I’ve decided to try a new format instead – a weekly roundup of interesting and helpful green travel news that I come across while surfing the net.

But first, here’s the Green Travel Carnival posts that really are about ‘green travel’…

Ian Everett over at Jamble Magazine has put together the Green City Guide: Edinburgh. It’s one in a series of green guides created for mainly for backpackers by backpackers and it’s full of interesting eco-friendly information.

Rachael Dunlapon from Intelligent Travel asks Are National Parks in Afghanistan’s Future ? Seems the Afghan government is working with the Wildlife Conservation Society and others to turn Band-e-Amir, a lake region in the Hindu Kush mountain range into a 220-square-mile National Park. How they are going about it makes fascinating reading.

And Ahuva Goldstand at the Jerusalem Metro Blog has a conversation with Jacqueline Rose, Jerusalem Green Map coordinator , exploring the what, how, and why of the green map concept, as well as looking at environmental awareness in Jerusalem.

Other Green Travel News includes…

Ecosalon gives us the Green Travel Go Ahead with information on the Go-Ahead Group, a UK based rail and bus operator that just become the first travel company to achieve the Carbon Trust Standard .

Emirates Airlines, who earlier this year decided to ditch their magazine to save the environment recently flew what they called the longest ‘green flight’ from Dubai to San Fransisco. Working with government agencies in Dubai, Russia, Iceland, Canada, the United States, Emirates created what they consider to be “the most environmentally-sophisticated route and trip possible to help save an estimated 2,000 gallons of fuel and 30,000 pounds of carbon emissions on the 16-hour non-stop service.”

Thinking of traveling to Mexico? Then have a read of the San Francisco Chronicle’s review of Six affordable eco-lodge escapes . All under $100, they might be just the thing to escape the cold, harsh winter.

Looks like pedal power is the way to get around these days. You can catch a pedicab in Pensacola, Florida , two-wheel it around Hawaii’s Oahu Island thanks to their recently launched bike sharing program , and even hotels are getting in on the trend , offering those who check in bicycles to check out the surrounding environment.

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