Traveling the World with Perceptive Travel

Traveling the World with Perceptive Travel

Back in 2006, believing that armchair travelers and travel writers deserved more the repetitive destination articles, top-10 lists, and advertorials that were stock in trade for print magazines, editor Tim Leffel launched the Perceptive Travel online magazine .

Tim’s goal was to provide a place for travel writers to publish authentic travel tales about interesting places. And he has clearly succeeded, with 2/3 of a million visitors stopping by and a bucket full of writing awards.

All you have to do is browse the archives to discover that Perceptive Travel magazine has traveled to all corners of the world, providing interesting, entertaining, and engaging travel stories that keeps even the most jaded armchair traveler glued to the screen.

This year the Perceptive Travel writers have once again been wandering all over the globe – from the Sahara desert of southern Algeria to the Cambodian minefields and Colombian coffee farms – providing invigorating, inspiring, and hugely entertaining travel stories for those of us who appreciate good travel narratives.

Reading Perceptive Travel webzine over these past twelve months has allowed me to go free diving with Rays in the Maldives , cycle through castle country in rural Portugal , take a safari in Sri Lanka , pass the pipe in Ethiopia , and feast on seal meat in Montreal .

I’ve also discovered a disappearing lake in Victoria , went off the beaten track in Florida , encountered visions of doomsday in Hawaii , gotten tipsy in Transnistria , feed on a banquet of creepy crawlies in China , and found heretics in Lake Como .

And to top it off, each and every edition features a travel book review column and world music review column that provides an eclectic mix of  books worth reading and albums worth listening to.

It’s been quite an adventure and I never even had to leave the house.

Can’t wait to see what Perceptive Travel webzine has in store for me next year.

If you missed or want to relive any of these great adventures, check out the archives for links to the 2013 stories (and links to stories for the past seven years). Sign up for the monthly newsletter and you’ll not only be alerted when a new issue comes out, but you’ll also have a shot at cool prizes, like the portable Bluetooth speaker up for grabs this month.

This month the birthday celebration issue runs down the 10 most popular travel stories since the launch, as well as five notable award winners.

(photo @ Jessica Lee )

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