Sparkling Waters Anniversary | Abby Grace

Enraptured! This post features the most beautifully in-love anniversary session the Annapolis docks have seen! Four years into their marriage, Michael & Mary have only been woven together more intimately. These two couldn’t have picked a better photographer for their anniversary session than the darling Abby Grace ! Abby has such a passion for anniversary sessions and truly has ” a heart for couples that also goes so far beyond their wedding.” This shows in the stunning images you are about to behold!

“Oh my word, this was a dream. Michael & Mary are the very embodiment of why I specialize in anniversary sessions. They’ve been married for four years now and while the wedding day is obviously the beginning of it all, they’ve come so far in those four years. This was a chance to celebrate that! Two children, new jobs, moving their family from one state to another. With everything going on in their lives, it’d been months since they’d had time to simply enjoy their togetherness, and their time in Annapolis was the perfect opportunity to revel in their love.”

Sparkling Waters Anniversary | Abby Grace Sparkling Waters Anniversary | Abby Grace Sparkling Waters Anniversary | Abby Grace Sparkling Waters Anniversary | Abby Grace Sparkling Waters Anniversary | Abby Grace Sparkling Waters Anniversary | Abby Grace Sparkling Waters Anniversary | Abby Grace Sparkling Waters Anniversary | Abby Grace

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