DIY Nautical Totes

Today we are featuring a fun, colorful, and artistic Do-It-Yourself project that combines our love of all things nautical with an ombre aesthetic! We love these DIY nautical totes for bridesmaid’s gift bags or as a craft to do together with your girls!

Enjoy & Happy Crafting!

DIY Nautical Totes

– Canvas Tote Bag
– Paints in an ombre array of colors
– Pencil
– X-Acto Knife
– Printed Image

1)  Select an image to use on your tote bag and print it onto a sheet of printer paper.
2) Cut out the image using an X-Acto Knife, and, using the remaining paper as a stencil on your canvas tote, paint within the frame.
Suggestions: You can either trace around the object softly in pencil and paint within the lines or you can use the negative space once the image is removed to paint within the paper frame.
3) Using a standard pencil, dip the eraser into a paint color of your choice and transfer a dot onto the canvas. To create an ombre effect, begin with the darker colors and work your way to lighter shades.
Tip: Consider layering the painted dots to create a more dynamic image. A hairdryer can help to speed the drying process!
4) Once you have finished painting, allow your tote to dry over night!

DIY Nautical TotesDIY Nautical Totes

We created a crab, anchor, and ombre seahorse tote! These bags are so much fun to make and would be a great bachelorette party or bridal crafting day task! Each bag takes approximately 30-45 minutes to make (longer if applying multiple layers) and painting gets easier with practice!

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