What If Money Wasn’t An Issue?

The decisions we make in our lives, especially when it comes to travel, almost always boils down to what we can afford.

Because we base our decisions on our current financial situation, we completely shut the doors of possibility that open with big-hearted dreaming .

The other morning I found myself running through the possible scenarios of where to go once this Australian road trip has finished. One particular pathway I’m pondering makes sense financially, and I can see the benefits of it, but there’s a lingering, nagging doubt in the back of my mind.

I’m not sure it’s best for the kids and I’m not sure I really want to do it.

The fearful lack side of me says,

“Yes, but it will help you get ahead. It will be the best choice financially.” Logically yes, but the thrill and the deep peace of knowing my heart is happy is missing.

The abundant truthful voice cut through the fear to say, “Caroline, what if money wasn’t the issue? Then where would you go.”

What If Money Wasn’t An Issue?

Therein lies the clarity.

I’ll never make the right choice or feel happy about my decision if I base it purely upon money. When I do that I follow a path of lack and restriction, not one of open abundance.

Money follows joy, not the other way around. (click to tweet)

Money doesn’t have to be an obstacle to our heart’s desire. I think we often allow it to be by taking the easy decision.

If we just dug a little deeper and reached further into what we wanted, the power of the love behind it can create anything. If we just let go and trust it will.

Super easy to say.

The reality is, we can’t ignore that money is not a factor, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t open the door of possibility. We can still put it out there without any hope or expectation, just a simple statement that gets to the core of what we really want.

You just don’t know. By opening up this door of possibility, you might receive an unexpected job offer to move to this place of your dreams. That job offer could include free accommodation. It’s crazy the miracles that can occur when you open the door a crack.

Leaving for this Australian road trip 16 months ago was not the most logical choice and, if it was made based upon money, we’d still be living a life of limitation and lack. But, the doors opened and we followed the joy. The money and the opportunities followed to allow us to continue living and serving through joy.

Now, I’m faced once again with an uncertain future and I’m slipping back into that place of fear. As a result, I’m forgetting to look deep into the magic of open-hearted possibility.

The soul searching now leans towards:

Where would I go and live if money was not the issue? If I had a never ending supply of cash where would I be most happiest?

When you are super clear on what that is and how safe and joyful it feels, doors will open and you’ll be guided to that place in the most unexpected ways.

The money won’t even come into play.

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The screen of money as an excuse

Using money as an issue is sometimes a screen we use to protect us from stating our deepest desires. Maybe we don’t know what they are, and so lack of money is the easiest way to avoid digging deeper to find out.

When we uproot our fears, we can get to the heart of the matter.

When I erase the money issue to uncover what I really want, the truth I see is not the money issue, but the fear that I don’t know what I want and I’m not sure how to find it.

What is lying there for me in that unknowing?

The fear of making the wrong decision, the fear of wanting to live in too many places that hold my heart and not being able to. To not knowing exactly which place holds my heart the most. Not wanting to acknowledge for fear of hurting or upsetting others with my decision. The fear of failing.

Now I’m aware of the real fears, I can get to work appeasing them.

Instead of taking the time to acknowledge the voice of our heart we bury it over with the excuse of money and so choose the easiest option that we can afford. Then our decision is taken out of our hands. The less responsibility we have for it, the less we’ll feel fear or guilt.

Removing money as being the core focus of our decision gives us permission to acknowledge and ask for what we truly want.

Then we can just release it and allow magic to do our thing. We might be guided there, we might not, but at least we listened to our heart and gave it the chance to speak.

Tell me, what would you do if money was not an issue?

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