Use Inspiration and Motivation to Help You Live Your Dream Life

Use Inspiration and Motivation to Help You Live Your Dream Life

Recently, I had a few things happen in my life that completely drained my ability to write. I’d take a seat in my chair and within seconds would find myself at the fridge grabbing yet another tub of hummous and a coffee. Somehow I thought that would help.

I couldn’t understand what was going wrong. I had the motivation to write, I had tons of motivation to write, but there were no words coming to move me to the completion of those goals I was dying to complete.

It was then I started to real think about just what is it that gets us to move forward to achieving the success we desire. Why is it that some can get off the couch to travel the world and pursue those dreams, while those who have the same opportunities and desires to do so never put the action into place?

I started to view the differences between motivation and inspiration. Both come from very different places, yet both are needed in order for you to accomplish anything you want in life.

Motivation vs Inspiration

The differences between motivation and inspiration became very clear. Motivation is the outer push. The things that come from outside of us driving us to move forward. It might be the need to prove others wrong, it might be the competitive desire to be the best, it might come from you wanting to make a difference, or be noticed in our crowded world. It can even be materialistic things like a brand new Lexus hybrid, a stylish wardrobe, or a seven figure income.

Inspiration, on the other hand, is the drive that comes from within us. It is the creative drive; the voice and creative energy of our higher self. Or, as I like to say, the place of our magic mojo. Inspiration, to me, is far more powerful than motivation. Inspiration is like a positive force that you can’t, or should not, want to control. Inspiration makes life and your special creative abilities flow effortlessly through you. Creating is almost impossible without it. Following your dreams is difficult without it.

You can have the motivation, but if inspiration is not present then doing what needs to be done becomes hard work. And with too much hard work, comes a slump in energy levels and the eventual decline of the motivation, forcing you to give up on your hopes and dreams. I have an incredible amount of motivation to make our travel blogging business a huge success, yet if the inspiration is not present, I can’t create. I start looking everywhere for those distractions to take my mind of what I should be doing.

You cannot be successful on just inspiration either. I know a lot of people who are highly creative and intelligent yet they don’t do much about it. They may create in the secrecy of their journals , studios and vision boards, yet no matter how hard they try , they just can’t get up and do what needs to be done either. They have lost their why. They have no driving force to propel them forward.

So what does this mean for you and your dreams?

Get clear on why you want to achieve your goals and dreams. Your whys are your motivating pushes;  the things that forbid you from quitting. If you are not crystal clear on your why, you are screwed. You’ll give up at the first sign of trouble and when your inspiration starts to leave you. Motivation is usually blocked by fear and insecurity. Work on improving these two things. Yes, you can do it. If someone else is doing it then why not you? Rely on the success of others to inspire you to know that you can do the same.

Do what you can to stay inspired. Use your why to fall back on when inspiration goes on a vacation. This motivation will help you to find your way back, but you are going to have to find new ways to lift your energy levels to get inspired again. Use the success of others to get you refocused; fall on the support of encouraging and uplifting friends, read inspiring posts, listen to inspiring music, visualize your dream life as already being, look at pictures of what you want. Sometimes, all you need to do is something as simple, yet vital, as putting your feet up, having a glass of wine or mediating. Let your mind wander free from stress. Inspiration is usually blocked by stress, an unhealthy state, and fatigue. Do what you can to overcome these inspiration killers.

The road to your dreams can be tough, but if you hold hands with inspiration and motivation, you’ll make it to the end. Keep both of them close to you and if one starts to wander then use the other to help you reel it back in.

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