The Digital Lifestyle Hub is OPEN

The Digital Lifestyle Hub is OPEN

I recently shared with you the introduction of the new Money Project site on our blog. (You can read about it here )

I was hiding it over on my personal blog Mojito Mother, away from the people who need it most- you guys! Yes, if you learn how to bring more money into your life you can travel more.

I was also hiding a lot of other posts over on Mojito Mother. Things I am really passionate about – like creating the life your soul yearns of .

I love to share tips and inspirations on how to be successful, and run a successful online business.

Many of you are interested in having your own digital business or already have one. We’ve always been big advocates of the working holiday strategy as a way to travel more. But, instead of doing it now through an employer, we’ve reached the ultimate freedom – being our own boss and defining all the rules.

We’ve had great success with it and manage to make it work while traveling with a family.

So now we’re starting a new Digital Lifestyle hub on our site.

We’ll be sharing our tips on how we make this digital lifestyle work. We’ll be incorporating posts on:

  • Mindset
  • Planning
  • Tools and systems we use
  • Action steps
  • Blogging/writing
  • Social media

Plus, all those things about managing a location independent lifestyle: the good and the bad.

If you’re interested in a digital lifestyle we hope you’ll join our posts.

We want you to share your tips and experiences as well. We’d also love it if you share with us in the comments below what your struggles with having a location independent business are and what you would love to learn from us.

To make it easier for you, you can sign up in the box below to receive email notification when a new post has been published:

Thanks for taking this journey with us, one step at a time.

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