Switch off on Kangaroo Island

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Kangaroo Island

My parents don’t stop talking about it. They visited Australia’s third largest offshore island in South Australia two years ago. They say it is one of the most beautiful places they have visited in this land of ours that is full of natural wonders.

Switch off on Kangaroo Island It’s a place to get away from the hustle and bustle; a sanctuary for wildlife and a haven for weary travellers.

One third of the island is dedicated to National Parks, and 4WD is necessary for access to many of its pristine beaches. Unspoilt, untouched, remote, quiet, a place to disconnect from the world and reconnect with the things that really matter to you.

Nourishment for your soul and your relationships.

I think I have just convinced myself to jump off the world for a while and head there.

Life can be so hectic and busy. We don’t give ourselves enough time to stop and rest.

Even if we are spending months on the travel road, there are still endless tasks to attend to and challenges to overcome. Now, because of the ease of global connectivity, we carry our small world with us through our lap tops, and smart devices.

Sometimes they are not so smart, because they have the power to overtake our life and stop us from letting the world go and getting back in touch with ourselves and nature.

Disconnecting is vital for our health.

In fact, scientists and social researchers are now saying, for the sake of our mental health and our society, we should all take at least one day off a week to relax and unwind.

That means no phone, no computers, no tablets, no TV, no problems, no worries.

Does that idea fill you with a little dread? You mean no one can access me 24/7 or me them?

Allow yourself for a moment to get past that. Think about how truly peaceful and restorative it would be to shut yourself off, even if it were only for 24 hours.

Imagine all that time you would have to think, plan, dream, talk, and breathe even.

Long leisurely walks, long leisurely lunches, long leisurely conversations with those you love.

Switch off on Kangaroo Island

Relax and disconnect

This is often the beauty of travel. This is why I fell in love with it – in the days before global connection became so easy and so “essential.”

I think we should never lose sight of this side of travel and just how beneficial it is to our health.

But, you don’t have to travel to get it. You can switch off whenever you like. Take one day a week, or a month even, if that is the best you can do.

Turn off all the electronics and allow yourself to connect to the beauty of life uninterrupted again.

Why don’t you at least try it once to see how it feels?

The 24 Hour Switch Off

On the 28th of April, a 24 hour switch off will be held which you can join. All you need to do is give back to yourself by disconnecting for 24 hours.

No online blogs or posts.  No Facebook.  No tweets.  No phone calls or texting.  Nothing.  Nada.

Arggghh. Makes me feel a little ill thinking about it, and that really is so sad. I used to be able to embrace that switching off lifestyle daily.

To tell you the truth, I still really love it when I do. Once I get my mind around the idea, I slip right back into easeful living.

On our recent Carnival Cruise in Mexico , connecting to the internet was a challenge. I felt stressed about it for a little while and then I realized that I just had to let it go. Once I did that I found myself relaxed, having wonderful conversations, and being fully present in every moment.

And guess what? The world didn’t end nor did it miss me (nor I it).

I’m going to try the 24 hour challenge and would love for you to join me. How about you invite your friends to join us as well? Maybe write them a pen and paper letter, or postcard even to let them know.

Switch off on Kangaroo Island

Great views to switch off to

To make it easier, maybe you could duck on over to Kangaroo Island for your switch off, or allow yourself to imagine that you are there.

Force yourself to take a break. Give back to yourself for once. Your health needs it.

Let me know in the comments below, if you will be joining me in the 24 hour disconnect.


You can enter in to win a $50 Kikki K Stationary giveaway (Australian residents only.)  (Btw, their stationary is really cool) Just fill out the competition form below telling me how switching off could benefit you for 24 hours.

Most creative answer will be judged the winner by Nuffnang.

Competition closed

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