Kenya Update

Again, my heartfelt thanks go out to every one of you that has sent us money to pass along to the brothers and sisters in Kenya. To date we have sent over $14,000.00 to help those in Kenya. The government and opposition leaders got together last week on a power-sharing arrangement that is fragile at best and the whole country waits in hopes that it will hold. But the need among people continues to grow. I got this report from my friend Michael this morning, who has been distributing the funds we sent:

I would like to request prayer very much here in Trans-Nzoia Kitale . Kitale is a combination of almost every tribe has settled here. But according to history, the people we call them Elgon Maasai were the first people to settle and then other tribes came the time of settlers from Britain. They came as workers after the liberty of Kenya in 1963, many settlers returned back and some handed the land to the new government. From there, the government announced all lands to become the property of the government. The government gave out to the people to take the share and to pay the little fee to the government. This is where all people came from their reserve and they settled here. People have stayed here over 50 years but the spirit of division and tribalism came to divide people telling people that you others are not suppose to settle here. This is why in 1992, the spirit of tribalism came and has affected more parts of this country. I know the problem is not the parties to work together but if the church will stand against this spirit of disunity and break it, this will bring unity. People will forgive others and everybody in Kenya will be able to live anywhere without discrimination of tribalism. Its also our prayers that the church will advise and be fully involved for making the new constitution . I want to appreciate very much that we have circulated thousands of anothering message in almost every district and the message has worked excellently and many people have forgiven one another. So I would like to request you that continue praying for this land.

Many people who have camped in churches, market places, it will take long for them to return and settle. It needs more prayers because the invaders were still having their strategies of killing and destroying the lives. For example, after Kofi Annan , Raila Odinga made the reconciliation to work together , and when the government announced that people will be rearranged to be helped and return to their places in Tran-Nzoia, the night of Monday this week, invaders came, they have burned more houses, even the media have taken the report, newspaper were reporting. even today about 12 people died, properties destroyed and many people because of fear have camped again in different places.

We tried to go there yesterday, but the security was so tight. Many people have run and among them were the saints, so we have received again especially one of IGEM zone called Saboti North, it is more affected and the chairman his name is Pastor John has requested us, an urgent help for about 30 families with a big number of children who have camped at his home. So my brother, who knows that God joins us together that you may be a bridge of connection and support. I know you have helped us with your team much, but I still appeal to you to share with the team urgently, we need the help for blankets, mats and food. I am also going to announce to other brothers here to donate clothes and other necessary things. Lastly, let us continue confessing the victory that the Lord has done.

Please pray with them if Father lays them on your heart. And, if any of you want to help us help them on a financial level, please go to our Invoice Page and click on the ‘Pay Invoice’ button. You can then list “Donation for Kenya” and the amount you’d like to give. If you use the ‘Donation’ button you will need to also send me an email letting me know you wanted this to go for Kenya and not for Lifestream. All donations to this cause are tax deductible and every dime sent to us will go out for relief in this Kenyan crisis. Or, if you prefer, you can also send a check to Lifestream • 7228 University Dr. • Moorpark, CA 93021.

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