If Any of You Can Help Us…

Most of you who read these pages have no idea what a team effort this is. So many times God has brought to us just the right person with the right expertise at a time when we really needed their help. Without folks like that we would never have been able to publish the books we do, put up the websites we host or travel to the places I go. For each and every one of you who have helped us along the way, please know how grateful we are for your generous heart and service.

As we approach the New Year we are considering some changes in how we do some of the things we do, to expand our capacity to help people on this journey and to automate some of our more menial tasks to free up time for helping others. If you know something about adding a secure shopping cart to our website for people who want to purchase items directly, about automating our email notification lists, or about streaming live audio to the web and would like to help us sort those things you would you please email me . I would really appreciate it.

On a related note, our recent Course Adjustments at Lifestream has brought some wonderful feedback from all over the world. One man wrote from Russia, “I do not know the details of how you support yourself and your family, but I want you to know that I am very encouraged by the decision to offer this resource free of charge.” We don’t talk about money much around here because we don’t want anyone who benefits from the materials here to feel any obligation to us financially. When we began this part of the journey ten years ago now, I promised I’d never beg people for money but look to God to provide for us as he desired. We don’t raise support. We don’t let people know when there is a financial need.

We just do whatever God puts on our heart and watch as he makes provision for us. It has absolutely been amazing over the last ten years how he has done that in so many different ways. We rarely know when a month starts how we’ll have the money we need at its end. But God has been gracious to provide what he desires. Some of that comes through book and CD sales, some through my speaking or consulting work and some through the generous gifts of people who felt a tug on their heart to send us a gift. I can’t tell you the number of times we’ve received a check or two or three on just the right day when we needed to have it.

That’s it! No great mystery there. Just a lot of gratefulness to God for being the provider he said he would be, and a heart full of thanks for the various ones he has used over these past ten years to make all of this possible.

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