Enjoying the Quiet

I don’t think we’re wired to live every moment in the public eye. At least I’m not.  For the past six weeks I haven’t done much on-line except continue to post the Engage videos that we’ve been taping.  Part of that time included some vacation with the family, but a lot of it allowed me to draw away into the quiet and find my rest in God’s life.  It has been incredible, and has opened a pretty wide door in my heart to things God has spoken to me throughout my life.  He has brought those threads together and presented them to me in a framework that will allow me to write my next book, one I’ve been contemplating for many years.

I’m going to stay in the quiet for a bit longer, with minimal postings here and certainly not a new podcast every week.  I have not been this excited since I started He Loves Me over 15 years ago.  I will spend most of this fall writing that book and hope to complete the first draft by the end of December.  At least that’s my target.  Only God knows if life will unfold in a way that will let me get that done.  But I am so looking forward to the time with him and putting those thoughts to text in a way that can help others see the reality of the church Jesus is building in the world.  I’m sure more on this will leak out over the next few months.

This morning  I’m off to Boise, ID for the weekend.  This is the only trip I have planned for this fall, though there are others we’re thinking and praying about.  As I leave this morning, I’ve posted the first God Journey podcast I’ve done in the last six weeks.  It will give you some more details on what the last six weeks have been like, and what seems to be ahead his fall, if you’re interested.

I am always deeply grateful for all the love and support Sara and I receive as we continue to follow this amazing adventure with so many of you.  Blessings to you as summer comes to an end in the northern hemisphere….

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