Áetem Creates The New Sport Of Seatrekking

Áetem Creates The New Sport Of Seatrekking

Around two-thirds of the earth is covered by water, with coastlines among the greatest and most unexplored natural landscapes. German company Áetem has created a new sport called seatrekking with an aim to expand the scope of existing land activities to a variety of fascinating underwater and coastal trails. Unlike sea kayaking or canoeing, seatrekking is all about the reduction of gear and the possibility to explore both the water and land. Simple, unencumbered, and independent travel through the countryside.

In the sport of seatrekking, a pre-determined route is traveled over several days, spending most of the time in the water along the coast, swimming, snorkeling, and free diving. Using a waterproof and floatable luggage system to carry the bare essentials, the seatrekker travels along the shore, exploring both above and below the water. Nights are spent on shore, discovering secluded beaches and sleeping under the stars.

The essential seatrekking equipment consists of a wetsuit, snorkel, mask, and fins, with food, sleeping bag, and other equipment stored in the Áetem luggage system. Over the years, the company has developed a small but unique product line, including the Big Pack and Seashell.

Áetem's flagship seatrekking product is the airtight and waterproof carbon fiber Seashell. The Seashell floats behind you as you swim, attached by a leash. Aluminum fins prevent the shell from zigzagging and give it a high level of agility and control.

You can bodyboard into shore on the Seashell or simply take a rest from swimming. An integrated anchor system enables you to leave the Seashell without it being carried away by the current in order to freely explore underwater. An adaptive telescope dive flag alerts boaters that there is a seatrekker in the water.

Whether in the water or on land, the Áetem Big Pack is built for comfort. Designed for multi-day tours, the 70L Big Pack uses two adjustable chambers to separate wet and dry gear. The pack is airtight and waterproof with a durable outer shell and minimalist design to keep it from getting tangled or hooked when swimming or hiking.

When you are ready to hit the water, two valves are used to quickly inflate the pack, creating air pressure inside. This pressure smoothes the outer material, reducing resistance when you are swimming. The Big Pack is dragged behind you on a leash as you swim and comes complete with and anchor system and detachable dive flag for safety.

The founders of Áetem have compiled a list of their favorite seatrekking tours, including the coast of Croatia, Sardinia, and Thailand. You can browse and download the trip reports online, searching though all the trail information, daily trip planners, maps, gear lists, and photos.

So, who wants to come with me to Croatia next summer and try this?

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