Futuristic ‘Bike Superhighway’ Network Proposed For London

Futuristic ‘Bike Superhighway’ Network Proposed For London

It’s called SkyCycle , and this proposed large scale urban-infrastructure concept, illustrated in the image above, would use existing railway lines in London originally built for steam trains. The goal is to create a networked 220-kilometer bike superhighway.

The project, proposed by architectural firm Foster + Partners, is described as “vertically layering the city” to change the way Londoners on two wheels get around.

The population of London is growing and something has to be done to alleviate congestion, Foster + Partners notes. SkyCycle is one idea.

Looks utopian, right? But the designers say this kind of system “provides [commuter] capacity at a much lower cost than building new roads and tunnels.” Do it, London, we’re ready to ride! —Stephen Regenold

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