Landlocked Subs, the Secret Cistern, and an Empty Capital City

Landlocked Subs, the Secret Cistern, and an Empty Capital City

Yes indeed, it’s time for the March/April issue of Perceptive Travel . We’ve got another odd assortment of features you won’t find anywhere else, offbeat travel tales from wandering book authors, with a side helping of book reviews and world music rundowns.

The landlocked subs are just one historic oddity of Lake Issyk–Kul in Kyrgyzstan . (Try saying that place five times fast without sounding like you’re trying to hock a loogey.) Naked Olympics author Tony Perrottet checks out the secret cistern of Mycenae and sleeps in the seemingly unchanged 1876 bed of a famous architect in Agamemnon’s Fan Club . Robert Reid comes back from researching a Burma guidebook to report on that country’s strangely empty capital city of Naypyidaw .

Another guidebook author, Michael Buckley, takes us through the watery and inland Karst landscapes of Vietnam . The author of several books on the Caribbean gives us a tour of local church life in the tropics .

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