6 Things to do Again Before Summer’s Over

One Last Summer Grill

Bring it on, I’m talking chicken wings and home made margaritas. Don’t forget the watermelon. It’s still summer people.

Play on the Water

6 Things to do Again Before Summer’s Over Have you been wanting to try Stand Up Paddle Boarding all summer and havent gotten around to it? Get around to it, like this week.

That Epic Hammocking Spot

6 Things to do Again Before Summer’s Over That time when you saw those two trees, and you were like “I’m so going to come back and hammock here” — do it now and do it barefoot!


Let them dogs bark! Chacos for life!

Iced Coffee or Iced Anything

Whether it’s your espresso on the rocks or an adult beverage. Sip on while your drink is icy and the sun is shining.

Go to the Beach

Stop what you’re doing right now and go to the beach. We’ll meet you there. We’ll be glad we did it.

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