Markel Wedding & Special Event Insurance

The months and special moments spent planning your wedding day should be some of the happiest of your life. They shouldn’t be spent worrying about vendor’s canceling, venue’s going bankrupt, or worse yet, a sudden death or illness in your immediate family – all of these unexpected circumstances could cause you to have to change or postpone your wedding day with extreme financial consequences. That’s why we are introducing you to Markel Wedding Insurance , aka: complete peace of mind for your big day.

Markel Wedding & Special Event Insurance

I was personally affected by an unexpected turn of events during my wedding planning and unfortunately I didn’t have wedding insurance. Less than six months before our wedding day, our venue was sold and we were told that they were no longer honoring our contract! Not only had we put down an outrageous deposit, but I had already purchased Save-the-Dates (in fact I was about to mail them out the day I heard!), wedding invitations, favors… and I was already working with the catering company. It took hours of painstaking work on my part to recover all our lost funds, and once refunded, we were left with less than five months to plan our wedding – from scratch.

No bride should have to experience what I went through…

Markel Wedding & Special Event Insurance

My story is just one of the many tragic events that can drastically effect your wedding day… but if you plan ahead and purchase wedding insurance with Markel – you can rest at ease knowing you will be taken care of through almost any type of disaster! Imagine your catering company going bankrupt, a hurricane passing through your town, your mom becoming ill or even a last minute military deployment – all of these incidences are covered and your investment will be protected. If your wedding is canceled or postponed due to covered circumstances like the ones above – Markel’s wedding cancellation coverage will reimburse you for lost deposits, damage to your wedding attire, cancellation fees, photography mishaps, and even for lost or stolen jewelry and gifts.

Plus, they offer Wedding Liability Insurance coverage which would help protect you and your groom from financial loss if an accident occurred at or after your wedding (like if grandma accidentally fell on the dance floor and got hurt or if your best friend had a few too many drinks and got into a car accident on the way home). So ensure that your wedding day will truly be spent celebrating your new life with friends and family… by signing up with Markel today.

Markel Wedding & Special Event Insurance

Still looking for more information? Visit to learn more. With policies starting at $75 (the actual price of your specific policy is based on location, the coverages you choose, and your total wedding budget), it is highly worth it!

Markel Wedding & Special Event Insurance

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